Decoz numerology
Decoz numerology

decoz numerology

This is a perfect day to tune in to your psychic gifts, whether you use them consciously or you are just beginning to open to your intuition.

decoz numerology

Tap into Your IntuitionĢ-22 is the time to cooperate with your Deep Inner Self, the Divine within you. It is the number of peace, harmony, and diplomacy. While it can be about dualism, it is also about having resilience, being forgiving, and cooperative. It is known to be perceptive, graceful, and flexible. The number 2 represents the team player, the healer, the couple, or the partnership, and it possesses a flexible, kind, nurturing, and empathic energy. 22 represents the Master Builder, and he was that both figuratively and literally. No less than George Washington, the father of our country, was born on February 22, or 2-22, and he was known to be a genuinely sensitive, perceptive, and intuitive soul who trusted his inner guidance. You are a builder of worlds, and you feel driven to serve and help make our world a better place. If you were born on this day, you are idealistic, but you are also practical and realistic, so you will plan and enforce your designs to build what you wish for. All the 2s in 2-22 + 2022 will maximize your creativity! What This Day Means for You

decoz numerology

Now add 2022 to that and POW! You have an extraordinary portal of dynamic energy emanating sensitivity, empathy, and pure psychic energy. In 2-22, the extra 2 of the second month of February amplifies that power. It is known as “Divine” energy channeled into material form. Included is a step-by-step guide to calculating your own numbers and interpreting them in chart form.February 22, or 2-22, is a Numerology power day. It then examines how numerology works, focusing on the numeric meanings of personal names, birth dates, and language in general. The book begins with a fascinating explanation of what numerology is and an intriguing look at the philosophy that lies behind it. Presented here is a technique that relates the major questions of an individual's life -his talents, challenges, career, and personal growth-with the basic numeric facts of his existence-his birth date and name.

decoz numerology

In Numerology: Key to Your Inner Self, world-renowned numerologist Hans Decoz and accomplished writer Tom Monte have teamed together to produce an easy-to-understand guide that introduces the reader to the basic concepts and applications of numerology. They have learned that by understanding the meaning of numbers, we can gain greater insight into ourselves. Through the centuries, numerologists have been studying the significance of numbers and perfecting their art in the belief that numbers strongly influence both our behavior and our fate. They each have some pers For lovers of tarot, astrology, and deepening your connection with yourself and others- a divine roadmap to numerologyĮver notice how some numbers seem to follow us throughout the course of our lives? Consider the numbers we choose when buying a lotto ticket-birth dates, anniversaries, ages, and addresses as well as other hopefully lucky numbers. For lovers of tarot, astrology, and deepening your connection with yourself and others- a divine roadmap to numerology Ever notice how some numbers seem to follow us throughout the course of our lives? Consider the numbers we choose when buying a lotto ticket-birth dates, anniversaries, ages, and addresses as well as other hopefully lucky numbers.

Decoz numerology